Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cyclone Yasi - Gone in a flash(-flood)

Cyclone Yasi has gone but not before dumping oceans of rain over the southern side Australia, causing flooding in towns across the state of Victoria including Melbourne. Many homes, businesses and cars were flooded but fortunately not on a scale of what we experienced in Queensland.

 Flooding from McIvor Creek in Heathcote, Victoria. Picture: Darren Crees. Source: Herald Sun

At our apartment building, the lift was finally fixed on Friday so I was able to move the remaining appliances down to our new apartment and we could move in and unpack on the weekend.

The building managers are now getting quotes for redoing all the interior that was damaged by the river flooding. All the drywalls and doors on the first and second levels need to be replaced.

The foyer of our apartment building. Note the water level marks on the windows a metre high on the second level.

One of the good things that came out of this was that I was got tickets to see Sting's "Symphonicities" concert as thanks for the work I did at Volunteering Queensland. It was held at the River Stage last night - An open air venue in the Brisbane Botanical Gardens. The concert features Sting singing/playing with Australian-born singer Jo Lawry and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra (or a symphony orchestra of the country he's in). The weather was perfect and the concert was fantastic. If this show is coming to your city it's really worth going to see.

1 comment:

  1. Sting deafened me in the Good Hope Center. Never again! My ears are just too precious.
